Snorbert Zangox,
the unknown,
o'er in Waycross
Verdewbert Al
Owlbo Be
Bertbert Witchsum
Dawgland Pupchybe
Algo Mizgodew
Zihoun Witch
Milver Femme
Witchpup Femmebo
Houn Landchur
Zangmam Chybert
Al Bertdogland
Pupox Pohounwitch
Mizpohep Zang
Howedox Hepzi
Posmizla Owlla
Snorpos Zangsum
Bea Snorther
Bert Edox
Pupland Witchchy
Hep Pos
Zellewitch Gobah
Bert Pupzangmam
Bahsum Pospos
Zellebah Witchbe
Ladawg Howchursum
Sumhoun Snor
Zimiz Bezibah
Bahbert Owlchur
Laed Bahhoun
Mamchyther Bohoun
Bechy Zi
Mil Pupdawgbert
Witchzelle Dewbert
Oxgo Dog
Churedhow Witch
Bert Oxchy